Pixels on Screen. 2018. 3600 x 4800 px.

Pixels on Screen. 2019. 3600 x 4800 px.

While about in public places, and taking in the landscape: respond to sound, open banner, enter passcode.

Out of the phenomena that occur in the physical world —though not out of their meanings— and into the content happening in your smart phone.

An interruption few of us are wont not to indulge. That by repetition, consuming over time greater quantities of content, we incorporate in our lives increasing use of rectangles.

Access, ingress, engage. The media you handle are not, yet are so tangible.

Message, e-mail, match, post, chat, follow. Listen to that podcast. Read that article. Play that online game. Watch that video.

Shop on Amazon for that new pair of shoes or throw. These commodities, and those. Scroll.

Altering the manner whereby you inhabit public space. That in reality you occupy but wherein do not participate. The simulacrum of your presence feigns a posture or a gait. While your head is bowed and your digits manipulate.

With one more click, your attention transmutes into a figure in a conversion rate.

What else is there to do? During your gruelling super commute. It’s the idleness we hate.

Should you leave a moment vacant, it will not be used.

a series of noun phrases and prose poems about the Bay
< rep it >