Pixels on Screen. 2018. 3600 x 4800 px.

Pixels on Screen. 2019. 3600 x 4800 px.

Amongst the various articles that evince revitalization, and in the midst of the tech outfit that clues homogenization, you will spot the curious tote bag.

As a tool with which your changing city may forge assimilation, each one is prone but to announce some direct affiliation. Like portable poster ads. For this or that start-up, such and such brand, your local NPR station. Your city itself, conceived in whichever enthused representation.

Though on occasion, you will glimpse a tote bag signalizing self-expression. A foil to the emblemed backpack brag that hints individuation.

I have a favorite of these. Spelling simply: “It’s art, dad.”

Like pedestrian bumper stickers, both a comment and a flag.

To communicate who one is, they state an idea one holds. That a passerby may chance to grasp if it is relatable. In the ongoing debate over your changing city’s soul.

Thus a sudden discourse, though fleeting in one’s stroll. Disrupting in a blink the power of the status symbol. From the viewpoint of democracy, are all ideas not equal?

“WAGE GAP BUZZWORD.” Reading it in context will make it meaningful.

That the passerby may guess its bearer’s implied principles. And associations.

a series of noun phrases and prose poems about the Bay
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