Pixels on Screen. 2018. 3600 x 4800 px.

Pixels on Screen. 2019. 3600 x 4800 px.

By merely being there they troll the urban day-to-day. In every public place, like a hostile aspect of the landscape. The homeless whom you can hardly overlook so much as you look past.

The blanket-dragging loiterer crossing the middle of the street through traffic. The urine-stenched panhandler going person-to-person in the lunch line. The psychotic-screaming nuisance soapboxing on the scourge of “man on man.”

You could witness more examples. If you weren’t looking at your phone.

For pay them too much mind and they might give the lie to your quality of life. The proximity of your job to transit, say. Where a junkie nods off in the concourse. Or the amenities of your neighborhood. Where someone has shit upon the sidewalk. A most impertinent violation.

Worse yet, they might just give the lie to quality of life per se. That measure that begins with private space and ends with voter registration.

You won’t find it beneath a bridge, as it were; along an underpass.

a series of noun phrases and prose poems about the Bay
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