Pixels on screen. 2022. 2500 x 3333 px.

Pixels on screen. 2022. 2500 x 3333 px.



Some of the left-right analogues that I’ve devised are arguably tenuous, perhaps this one especially. Though I sense such a generic pairing does strike upon a fundamental difference between the left and right worldviews, at least in the realm of buzzwords. To explain, “belief” suggests a belief in the way things should be, whereas “faith” suggests a faith in the way things are. Such is my hunch.

To elaborate, “belief” and “faith” constitute in this instance two mechanisms whereby the implied protagonist can understand something to be true. My contention is that “belief” is actively projected to advocate for a change to the status quo, and signifies a set of values that is not universally accepted; whereas [“]faith[”] is actively held to advocate for the status quo itself, and signifies a set of values that is universally accepted among the faithful. “Customization” in turn appears to be a kind of service that allows the implied protagonist to modify his “belief” or “faith” according to unknown criteria for unknown purposes. Perhaps he uses this service to better adapt his own beliefs or faith to a progressive or conservative dogma, or again to prioritize different subsets of his beliefs or faith over others. Whatever the case, the service is clearly worth reviewing, presumably on a marketplace platform or on the service’s own website.

It bears stating how undemocratic this service can be. For while we don’t know the exact criteria of “customization,” we do know that it is determined by the company providing the customization service. Therefore, the criteria can be as expansive or limited, and as forthcoming or restrictive, as that company wants it to be. Really, the implied protagonist is presented with the illusion of choice, for he chooses between prescribed criteria for an unknown prescribed purpose in lieu of formulating his own criteria and purpose. And by using the customization service, he consequently risks [forgoing] his own use of free thought. It is as though by customizing his belief or faith, his belief[s] or faith are customized for him.

March 25 and 27, 2022