Pixels on Screen. 2018. 3600 x 4800 px.

Pixels on Screen. 2019. 3600 x 4800 px.

A fluffy blue cloud with innocuous contours blazoned on so many backpacks. Look up from your phone and you’ll notice them. On your train, in the FiDi, at happy hour.

The Salesforce backpack. It’s a thing. The epitome of all like articles worn that sport the trademarks of tech.

Bearing them in public would seem to be less a statement of fashion than function. Beyond signifying a commercial service that operates in our computers. For generically the emblems all denote labor that operates in our economy.

Of a type that is skilled and non-union. Digital and white-collar. Heralding coders and designers.

Insofar as our society measures success by the wealth attending one’s work, each iteration of the fluffy blue cloud is beheld as a status identifier. And by indicating the same social position, they encourage homogenization.

A uniformity in appearance of trademarked backpacks as well as in personal expression. Preferring communication of what one does and attains thereby over who exactly one is.

To assert a community guidelines for public interaction in becoming so pervasive: deference to those with emblems, disregard for those with their absence.

Bearing none, how are we to tell to what do you belong?

a series of noun phrases and prose poems about the Bay
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